Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ask for your miracle~ Sister Qarneeta_soulat

Assalam u Alaykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakatuhu

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam

I hope this mail finds you in the greatest of health and eemaan inshaALLAH ameen. What I am about to share with you is nothing short of a miracle ALHUMDOLILLAAH. Since my return from Umrah I have had this pressing desire to share it with as many of you as possible to see that miracles do indeed exist and that ALLAH SWT is just waiting for us to call upon the so many spiritual resources/bounties available to us.

My story is as follows…

A few months ago I thought I was living a horrific nightmare when I heard the doctors say: "I wish I could help your son but it’s only a matter of time. You have to get rest and so does he. Don't worry about him being addicted to drugs the pain counteracts this. You have no other choice but to let us do what we need to if there is any hope to save your son." I sat for what seemed like an eternity and asked “How does it happen that all the available technology exhausts all of the medical innovations available?” I felt it in my heart that it is quite likely that my child was going to die and there was not a thing I could do.

My son, Tariq Muqadam, now going on three, was born with a blood disorder that the doctors should have been able to diagnose before birth but only discovered and diagnosed a few months ago. Having been through a series of miscarriages and a stillbirth the fear of losing another child had set in. My life had been rocked once again. After numerous tests and misdiagnoses he was finally diagnosed with Beta Thallessemia major i.e. a form of haemoglobinopathy where the Beta-globulin chains of the haemoglobin molecule are not found due to an inherited defect. The disease is manifested in the first few months of life in the form of severe anaemia necessitating life long RBC transfusions. Till the advent of bone marrow transplantation (BMT), which is the only curative treatment, patients with thallessemia major are kept alive with supportive care (RBC transfusions + Iron chelation therapy). He was started on iron chelation drugs that eventually started having more of a negative effect on system than any good.

He suffered from severe nose bleeds, instantaneous bleeding, fainting spells and other systematic complications that I will not go into. Hours after blood transfusions his red blood cell would drop to virtually zero. The only hope that remained was a bone marrow transplant. The chances of finding a suitable match soon was extremely slim but hope smiled on me as a family member proved positive; at least that is what we thought. After numerous blood transfusions we were finally able to effect the bone marrow transfer. Sadly though, there was graft rejection not long after the transfusion.

By this time too, he had lost the use of his legs as paralysis had set in and his sights and hearing had been partially affected. He was increasingly growing depressed and I saw the life start leaving his body. The hope to save my child was fading fast and this left me even more emotionally and spiritually destitute yet I had enough strength to wager the race to save my son. I consulted every doctor I could, exhausted every avenue there was to explore yet not one them could give me any assurances as to the course of action I should take. Many of them even doubted that he had been diagnosed correctly this time round as the life ebbed from him at an alarmingly fast rate.

I remember two occasions where he came dangerously close to losing his battle with this illness and while he lay there dying so did I. I lived in the constant fear of being without my son. At this time, a very good friend of mine, ALHUMDOLILLAAH, advised that the time had arrived for me to submit completely to the will of ALLAH SWT and just place the matter at the call of ALLAH SWT. I had not lost my eemaan but as all parents I had strong feelings of protecting my child from being hurt any more than he had been or if Tariq could not depend on me whom else could he? Images of a peanut butter smudged face lingered in my mind and I felt as though I had let him down as I had pledged to love and look after him for as long as he was entrusted in my care. It later dawned on me with the help of my friend, ALHUMDOLILLAAH, that Tariq did not need me, he needed ALLAH SWT which also took me to the realization that if there was any who loved my child more than myself it was ALLAH SWT.

I had made the arrangements go on umrah against the advice of the doctors. They had made it very clear that if I was to remove Tariq from their care it would solely be at my own risk and that they would in no way take responsibility for whatever followed. I was fully prepared to face the consequences of my actions and besides that; things could not get any worse than they were. They even went as far to tell me that he would not live to see the weekend through and that led me to think that If I was going to lose my son which better place than our holy city. In the midst of my search for answers to my doubts and questions, ALLAH SWT in HIS rachmat “spoke” to exactly that which was hurting. HIS soothing words came to me so powerfully to renew my eemaan and courage that I was able to resume my journey of to fulfill what I would perceive now to be the ultimate.

Upon arrival in Mecca like so many I undertook my first tawaaf with Tariq waiting on the side in his wheel chair. What happened next was completely unexpected. He jumped out of his wheelchair and attempted to perform the tawaaf with me. That on its own was a miracle. Those very legs that were riddled with paralysis were now performing a minimal tawaaf. I was so over wrought with emotion and just burst into a fit of tears at the sight of him walking again after such a long time but in the very next instance his little body went into shock and he had one of his frequent fits. His nose started bleeding at such a staggering rate that I thought he was haemorraging. He lost consciousness and remained that way for the remainder of our stay making me think that the end was certainly here. His vitals were down like so many times before and I prepared myself for what I had originally set out to do. All I could say was “Ya ALLAH if it be your will for me to return without my son give me the strength to endure.” After having completed my umrah and Tariq not being any better I made the decision to return to SA.

When we boarded the connecting flight I was so tired and fell into a deep sleep obviously instructing the hired nurses to wake me if anything new developed. I slept for what seemed an eternity and upon waking I noticed my son was not in his cot where I had left him. His nanny and his nurse were no where to be found either. In the faint distance I heard the laughter that made leap for joy but I thought “how could this be?” I shrugged it off as there was no way that that could be Tariq but where was he and his care givers? What I saw next is something that I will never forget for the remainder of my life. Tariq was talking to the cabin crew acting full of life as though there was nothing wrong him. He saw me and said “Mama, you slept for a very long time.” That was music to my ears He must have seen the _expression on my face and burst into a contagious laugh that brought tears to my eyes and that of my staff. His vitals were all normal and his red blood cell count that we had tested upon arrival in Cape Town was perfect with the exception of a mild iron deficiency. In a nutshell he was cured, ALHUMDOLILLAAH

The doctors drew blood and ran extensive testing and asked me to see them the following day. I of course knew what to expect. The consultant doctor whom I had been scheduled to see had been running late and did not have time to review the test results but when he did, he went into complete shock and said “Ms Muqadam I am sorry but the tests are inconclusive and we have made an error. Unfortunately more blood will have to be drawn and sent for further testing as there is just no way that these tests can be correct.” Already knowing what to expect I said to him to tell me what the tests results were and he confirmed that there was not a trace of Tariq's blood disorder. Further test were run and up until now they are not able understand the miracle that took place. A panel of doctors reviewed Tariq’s case and they say that there is no evidence of a miracle. They say that his condition responded to medical treatment and I quote "This miracle claim is absolute nonsense and should be condemned by everyone."

Now, I don’t know what you may be thinking but I firmly believe without a doubt that Tariq was miraculously healed from his illness. What I am trying to say is, in order to decide something as reasonable or not, whose reason will serve as a judge? Thus the denial of the miracles amounts to the denial of ALLAH, after all, all the physical, intellectual powers and capacities are included in a single, absolute Power. If that Power is able to effect whatever it wishes, then why should we not believe in miracles?

I conclude this mail now and if I have convinced only one person to claim their miracle I have achieved what I have set out to do. JazakALLAH Ghayrun for taking the time to read my mail and may I request that you remember us in your duas as I will remember you in mine.

Lastly, may I ask all my brothers and sisters to ask for their individual miracles, to believe in ALLAH SWT and to bow to HIS will, in all cases ALLAH alone is enough. SUBHANALLAH.

Your sister in islam